“The subject of supplying the village of Woodstock with pure and wholesome water from some of the outlying streams of the town began to be agitated about the year 1878.”

In January 1879, at a Village meeting, O.P. Chandler, Justin F. Mackenzie, and Charles Chapman were appointed to a committee to “inquire as to the feasibility of obtaining a supply of water from Blake Hill, or other hills of the vicinity.” In January 1880, the committee reported their findings and estimated that such a project would cost $17,000. The report was accepted, but there was no action planned. It was six years later that the Woodstock Aqueduct Company was incorporated with a capital stock of $36,000, in shares of $50 each. The general public was invited to buy stock which was issued to Frank S. Mackenzie. There were 17 stockholders at the beginning totaling $23,350 in capital investments. 

The company’s first action consisted of building a reservoir and pipe system to extend into the village.  This project was under the management and direction of the following persons:  J.J. Randall, designing engineer; T. William Harris, constructing engineer and subcontractor; R.D. Wood & Co., contractors. In early June 1887, work commenced on the reservoir which was built about two and a half miles westerly of the village on Thomas Brook (now Cox District Road), at an elevation of 260 feet above the Town Hall. With an insufficient number of workers in the region, the construction company brought in a large number of Italian laborers to work. Eventually, ten other nationalities were represented on the project. Within two months, these hardy men had nearly completed the dam. The mains included 13,310 feet of eight-inch cast iron pipe, extending from the reservoir to the center of the village, 2,012 feet of six-inch cast iron pipe and 14,350 feet of four-inch cast iron pipe (including a four-inch supply from the Williams Brook or Saw-mill Brook to “strengthen” the supply) which totaled nearly 7 miles of pipe. The mains were laid six feet underground and gates were placed to shut off any street if so desired. In late October, workers closed the reservoir gates and the waters slowly rose behind the dam. Within two weeks, the new impoundment was full, and water was released into the mains. Only two pipes sprung leaks. To demonstrate the pressure present in the system, the village fire department attached a one-inch diameter hose to the hydrant located near the Congregational Church and shot a powerful stream of water directly over its high steeple. Water started flowing into homes and businesses in late November 1887. The final cost of the project totaled $35,000.

“The water is pure, clear, palatable and soft, enough for all household purposes. It is being used for cooking and drinking by all who have it, and to say that they are delighted with it feebly expresses the satisfaction manifested.”

For over a year, people celebrated the fact that they had clear water flowing into their homes. On January 17, 1889, the village trustees were advised to replace the hand pump in the middle of the Village Square with something worthy of this achievement. They “were instructed by the annual meeting to put a drinking fountain into the Square, and in carrying out this vote it will no doubt be the purpose of the board to procure a fountain of approved pattern, with low as well as high basin, so as to accommodate small animals as well as horses and oxen. Such a one with dippers for the human kind is greatly needed.” The hand pump was removed in June 1889 to make room for the new fountain. According to an article in the The Vermont Standard on September 26, 1889, “The fountain in the Square has been raised on a granite base, octagon shaped, eight inches high. This greatly improves its general appearance.” The aqueduct pipes were attached to the fountain, which would provide running water for thirsty livestock. The mid-section of the fountain featured several spigots designed for human drinkers and there were small basins placed low enough for Woodstock’s dogs and cats. The water was provided by the Woodstock Aqueduct Company and the gas from the Woodstock Gas Light Company.


The Mackenzie Fountain

A rendering of the fountain was published in The Vermont Standard, 1889.

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The fountain had some design flaws from the start as stated in The Vermont Standard on June 15, 1893. “On account of a defect in the fountain, the beautiful fountain which was presented to the village by the late Justin F. Mackenzie, has been reset this week. It is also raised up about four inches so that when the concrete is replaced around it, water will run away from it and leave no pools. The waste water, which has heretofore dropped into a well close by will now be run into the Central street sewer.” Several improvements were made over time including the repainting of the fountain in 1898.

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The original reservoir of the Woodstock Aqueduct Company on Cox District Road.

The original reservoir of the Woodstock Aqueduct Company on Cox District Road.

Better call a plumber…

“One lad thought he would open the stop and waste cock in the cellar the other evening, the inside connections not being completed, to see if the water would really run. Well, he found out to his satisfaction. Before he could get help and shut the water off he was drenched from head to foot and the cellar was none the better for the flood. It will not do to fool with the water pipes when the pressure is on.”

The Vermont Standard. November 17, 1887

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Justin Mackenzie

The fountain was presented to the town in 1889 by Justin F. Mackenzie (1816-1889), a prominent local resident. Mackenzie made his fortune operating mills in Quechee and was a vice president and director of the Woodstock Railroad. He served on the Woodstock Aqueduct Committee which laid out the town’s first underground pipe system. The Village Trustees thanked him proclaiming resolutions on July 10, 1889.

The Mackenzie Fountain installed in the middle of the Village Square.

The Mackenzie Fountain installed in the middle of the Village Square.

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The fountain was the center piece in the Village Square and many activities were held there. These included auctions, rallies, and traffic control.

By 1898, there were remarks that the Village Trustees were not keeping the fountain functional. “Thirsty horses look longingly at the fountain in the square which the trustees have not yet put in running order for the season.”

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The fountain was damaged on August 18, 1922 during a heavy thunderstorm. The wind blew down one of the “silent policemen” in the village square. The electric wires attached to it passed between the two ornamental lamps surmounting the Mackenzie fountain and one of them was broken off. In January 1923 the Village Trustees asked whether or not the fountain should be removed as it had become badly rusted and one of the lamps was broken off. William S. Eaton opposed its removal. Wilfred Smith, E.K. Wright and others spoke for its removal. The vote was 34 to 11 for removal. The fountain was finally removed at the beginning of August 1923. It was replaced by an ornamental lamp post with a cluster of five white lights at its top which lasted into the 1950s.

It has been stated that the Mackenzie Fountain was scrapped in 1942 for the Town of Woodstock Scrap drive. This information is not entirely true. Many large items that went for scrap were described in The Vermont Standard during this time. For instance, The Vermont Standard states: “Feeling is running high throughout Woodstock over the donation of the old steam roller and the foot bridge at the ball field to the scrap metal drive. The steam roller has been out of commission for the last three years and has been of no use to the village. It has been down at Holterman’s warehouse yard. There is some reluctance on the part of the Village Fathers to release the steam roller for the Victory Scrap Metal Drive. The town has donated two old bridges and a road machine.” There was never any mention of the fountain being scrapped during this time. The only reference about this is from Harry Ambrose in The Horse’s Mouth, “At about the time the Woodstock Railway gave up the ghost… the tar and gravel road in the downtown square was replaced with concrete paving, and the grand old 1888 Victorian cast iron watering trough was removed. Dark green, almost black, it was so ugly and forbidding that when I was very young I was afraid of it, and would cross the square further up by Gillingham’s. The world’s greatest collector of ‘whatever’, Lyle Pearsons, had it for years, lying in pieces behind his River Street saw mill. I assume it ended up as scrap for the war.”


Perhaps some of the larger pieces of the fountain might have ended up in the scrap yard because they could not be used for any other purpose. But several pieces did survive. Charlie English, who grew up on River Street, remembers parts of the fountain could be seen at the animal farm. “Part of the fountain, that part that could hold water was in fact behind Pearsons Barn on River Street and was used as a watering trough for some of the animals in the Pearsons Wild Animal Farm. If you have any pictures taken of the Farm you might see it in the background. The fountain remained in place well after the Animal Farm was closed due to the shortage of food after the war started.”

Several parts of the fountain have been found over the years. The Woodstock History Center has in its collection two troughs, two gargoyle heads, and the main base. The upper portion has not been located, and it is possible that those parts did indeed get scrapped in 1942. If you have additional information pertaining to the Mackenzie Fountain, please let us know as we are interested in locating as many pieces as we can find.

Mackenzie Fountain gargoyle head. Collection of the Woodstock History Center.

Mackenzie Fountain gargoyle head. Collection of the Woodstock History Center.

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